Indoor plants that thrive in high light

The Plant Connection offers a wide selection of plants that thrive in high light.  This means, in front of a window with no trees or buildings blocking the light or directly under a skylight.  ( *water codes are noted below the gallery )

These are the water code keys:

RED– enjoy going bone dry between waterings. Most succulents fall in this category. Your water meter (on a scale of 1-10) would read anywhere from 1-3 before you would water.

ORANGE– like to dry but don’t appreciate going bone dry. Most dracaenas fit in this category. Your water meter would read anywhere from 3-7 depending on the light before you would water.

BLUE– may recover from going bone dry but will probably lose a lot of leaves. Pothos tend to fall in this category. Your water meter would read anywhere from 4-7 depending on the light before you would water.

GREEN– like water. You can still overwater these plants so don’t automatically add water. Always check the moisture level before adding. A Peace lilly (spathiphyllum) falls into this category. Your water meter would read anywhere from 7-10 depending on the light before you would choose to add water.